The draft post-mar­ket sur­veil­lance (PMS) require­ments for med­ical devices in Great Britain large­ly align with Euro­pean reg­u­la­tions, but there are notable dif­fer­ences. A new statu­to­ry instru­ment out­lin­ing these require­ments was intro­duced in the British Par­lia­ment in Octo­ber 2024. The draft was “final­ized” on Decem­ber 16, 2024 and thus enters into force on June 16, 2025.

Key Changes in Report­ing Timelines

Field Safe­ty Cor­rec­tive Actions (FSCAs)

In Great Britain, FSCAs must be report­ed to the MHRA before imple­men­ta­tion, except in emer­gen­cies. Also, British reg­u­la­tions require:

Man­u­fac­tur­er Obligations

Impact on Compliance

With the new PMS statu­to­ry instru­ment in effect, vig­i­lance require­ments in Great Britain will align more close­ly with EU stan­dards. How­ev­er, the dif­fer­ences neces­si­tate adjust­ments in com­pli­ance strate­gies for med­ical device and in vit­ro diag­nos­tic (IVD) com­pa­nies oper­at­ing in Great Britain.

Source: MHRA

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