The Euro­pean Com­mis­sion has updat­ed the planned imple­men­ta­tion time­lines for the grad­ual intro­duc­tion of the cor­re­spond­ing modules.

The actor reg­is­tra­tion mod­ule went live on Decem­ber 1, 2020. Until the more recent past, the UDI/ device reg­is­tra­tion mod­ule was planned to go live in May 2021. This date has been post­poned. The Euro­pean Com­mis­sion informed on its web­site that the UDI/ device reg­is­tra­tion mod­ule and the mod­ule on cer­tifi­cates and Noti­fied Bod­ies will be avail­able as of Sep­tem­ber 2021. 

Source: Euro­pean Commission

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