Amending Regulation (EU) 2024/1860 introduced under article 10a of Regulations (EU) 2017/745 and 2017/746 (MDR and IVDR) the obligation of economic operators to alert competent authorities and the market in the case of interruption or discontinuation of the supply chain for certain devices.
The article will apply as of January 10, 2025.
The Commission has published a Q&A document that lays out the most important questions and answers. It adds, among others, details to the questions:
- To whom does the obligation to inform of an anticipated interruption or discontinuation of supply of certain devices under Article 10a(1) of the MDR/IVDR apply?
- Who should the manufacturer inform under Article 10a (1) of the MDR/IVDR?
- What is meant by the “anticipation of an ‘interruption or discontinuation’ of the supply of a device” as outlined in Article 10a (1) of the MDR or IVDR?
- What are the categories of reasons for the interruption or discontinuation which the
manufacturer would be expected to specify in its notification to the competent authority under Article 10a (1) of the MDR/IVDR?
- What is considered as an ‘interruption or discontinuation that may result in serious harm or a risk of serious harm to patients or public health’ in one or more Member States under Article 10a (1) of the MDR/IVDR?
It remains to be seen in how far the document is really helpful. The obligation to identify affected devices is solely with the manufacturer. Details for assessing if products fall into the category suggested by article 10a appear rather vague.
The document can be accessed here.
Source: European Commission
Accompanying this subject we recommend the following content on our website
- Amending Regulation (EU) 2024/1860 published in the OJEU
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